About Us

Bushwick Street Cats, Inc., is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Our goal is to reduce the free-roaming cat population in Bushwick (and the surrounding area) through the use of Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR).

During our TNR projects we sometimes come across tame cats. We foster them and find them good homes. We are not a shelter and do not take cats from shelters or people.

We work with a network of like-minded groups, some of whom are also TNR-based, some who are traditional rescue groups, and some who do it all. Some of our main colleagues include: North Brooklyn Cats, Whiskers-A-Gogo and Ocean Hill Cats.

Our mentor organization is Neighborhood Cats, the organization who essentially created the TNR community in New York City.

So What Can You Do?

We’re a very small group of volunteers and we always have our hands full with our own projects. If you’re interested in helping the many cats you likely see every day walking to the train, the best place to start is TNR CERTIFICATION. Take a simple workshop to get certified. Then you’ll not only have the know-how to trap and fix feral cats, you’ll have access to very low-cost spay/neuter services for feral cats (or any cats for that matter). Additionally, if you can foster a tame cat or three, we always need temporary homes for cats while looking to get them adopted.

Neighborhood Cats :


We’ll help you as much as we can! Contact Us!

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